Engaging Awareness

July 26, 2010

Germany Smells Good

Filed under: Caelyn's Posts, travel and culture, Uncategorized — Valerie @ 11:40 am

Caelyn videoing out the car window(Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted. There was no internet service where we were traveling. Now that I’m back, you can see what I wrote at the different places we visited.)

In Germany there are so many different smells.

We’re driving through Germany and I have my head stuck out the window smelling every thing! I know that sounds crazy, but there’s just soooooo much to smell!

We were driving through a town in Alsace Lorraine, a part of France near Germany, that smelled really strongly of vanilla! On another road it smelled like a mixture of lime skins, new grass and vinegar!

A town we drove through with a movie theater smelled like lilacs! A small town that we passed on our way out of Germany and towards Switzerland smelled like oranges and old wood!

I love it here!!!



  1. Did Italy smell like coffee? That’s what I remember.
    Hope you’re taking pictures of any odd and un-American thing you see. NO shopping malls please.

    Comment by Aunt Peggy — July 26, 2010 @ 12:35 pm

  2. it probably smells like coffee somewhat towards the center of the city. We were mostly in the countryside, and I didn’t think I smelled coffee, but maybe I missed it.

    I’m gonna post something un-American in my next post.

    ~ Caelyn

    Comment by Engaging Awareness — July 26, 2010 @ 12:48 pm

  3. Did you drive near Nancy in the Alsace? Jean d’Arc was born in this region, in a small town called Domrémy-la-Pucelle. I was born nearby, on a then-American AFB, and was given my middle name “Jean” after her. It’s lovely country. I love all of the tree-lined roads.

    BTW, I once read that we use the same smell receptors for vanilla and orange. With my smelling disorder I sometimes get them confused; I sniff an orange and smell vanilla.

    Take care, and safe travels home.

    Comment by Kelly — July 30, 2010 @ 7:04 am

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